Startups are on the Rise in Warren County

Small businesses driven by passion and innovation have emerged as the backbone of local economies. At this month’s meeting of the Warren County Economic Development Corporation, EDC president Jim Siplon highlighted the high formation rate of microbusinesses in Warren County that was reported by the Center for Economic Growth. As the growth continues, we have the opportunity to harness the power of this thriving ecosystem and foster collaboration among these ambitious entrepreneurs to maximize their impact on our community.

Microbusinesses Making Their Home in Warren County

As the gateway to the Adirondack Mountains, we love Warren County as a unique place to live, work and play. It has also become a popular launchpad for small businesses over the past few years. Recent data from the GoDaddy Venture Forward Microbusiness Data Hub shows that the county has experienced a 12.2% increase in active microbusinesses from 2020 to 2022. Fun fact: that’s higher growth than either Albany County (10.7%) or Saratoga County (8.2%). It’s a great sign for the entrepreneurial spirit and resilience of our region.

Collaboration Matters

Microbusinesses operate independently, but they don’t have to learn or do everything alone. Working together, our entrepreneurs can create a supportive ecosystem that elevates the Glens Falls/Lake George region as a hotbed that attracts attention, talent and investment.

Forging Connections

Building a community of fellow entrepreneurs helps microbusiness owners transcend the boundaries of their own perspectives and individual capacities. It unlocks a greater pool of expertise to tap. It opens doors to collaborative projects. It gives businesses the power to innovate better products, to launch faster, to save money. They can stop re-inventing the wheel. Assembling this entrepreneurial community provides a platform to build relationships, establish partnerships, and spark a fire in others to bring their own visions to life. Together, they dare to dream bigger – and they are able to DO bigger!

Collaboration: Amplifying Success

Collaboration serves as the cornerstone of business success. Bringing together diverse perspectives, talents and resources is a catalyst for exponential growth and innovation. Collaboration becomes a mindset that not only propels individual businesses forward but also fuels the collective economic success of our community. It kicks off a virtuous cycle – creating job opportunities, market expansion and sustained growth. Together, we will thrive, create an interconnected business landscape, and pave the way for a brighter future.

WE KNOW YOU’RE OUT THERE - Building the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Momentum is in our favor, so let’s sieze this opportunity to grow and strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem in and around Warren County. Don’t waste any more time - contact us now - to work on a business plan, to explore new growth strategies, or to tap into the experiences of others that can make your business stronger!

Email us today!


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