What is The Grove Venture Lab?

Here’s a sketch of what we’re working on at The Grove Venture Lab and opportunities for the community to participate.

First and foremost, we support entrepreneurs throughout the Glens Falls/Lake George region of New York State. We launched to help new ideas come to life and help existing ideas reach their goals. We welcome ideas big and small - for profit and not. It’s all about making the idea-people successful, and it’s going to take a community effort.

Our work falls into four main categories:

  1. Business education. Tools, resources, other business ed opportunities

  2. Incubation

  3. Community

  4. Capital access


Launching and running a business can be hard. Let’s bring our collective experience together to make it easier and increase the odds for success with workshops and coaching.

How can I get involved?

  • Sponsor a workshop or series

  • Volunteer to teach skills/tools

  • Volunteer to organize a workshop

  • Sponsor coffee meetups

  • Attend coffee meetups

  • Suggest workshop topics

  • Donate


A successful launch requires intense planning and experimentation - so what better place than a “venture lab”? We’ll help structure that planning and provide a dedicated place for getting the work done and meeting with all of the people who come together to make a new venture fly.

How can I get involved?

  • Join our programs

  • Sponsor a participating business

  • Volunteer to teach skills/tools

  • And, of course, you’re always welcome to donate


A new business or charity shouldn't have to do and learn everything on their own. Even with a novel idea, so many pieces of putting a business together have been tackled by someone else, so let’s tap into the experience already earned earned by those around us to launch faster and conserve cash. Even with help, entrepreneurship can feel like a lonely struggle, so we’ll bring people together who get it - who can commiserate and celebrate and encourage each other.

How can I get involved?

  • Connect at our periodic meetups.

  • Be generous with your expertise and support

  • Attend our workshops & events


Access to capital is always tricky. We’ll bring together information about funding sources and grant opportunities to help entrepreneurs focus fundraising efforts in the right direction. And, of course, we’ll help you put your best foot forward when it comes time to make your pitch.

How can I get involved?

  • Let us know about loans, grants and other funding sources

  • Help us understand your parameters for funding, so we can send the right opportunities your way

  • If you’re interested in making angel or venture investments in the region, connect with us. We’ll look into putting something together.

  • Volunteer to teach fundraising skills

As we mentioned, this is going to take a community effort. Your expertise and suggestions are all welcome here as we work together to bring even greater vibrancy to this region we call home.


Startups are on the Rise in Warren County