Ditch the New Year's Resolution, Start Now!

The New Year is right around the corner, and with it comes the inevitable barrage of "New Year, New You" resolutions. But what if I told you that waiting until January 1st to start working on your new business is actually hindering your progress? James Clear recently offered some useful thoughts:

"It's easier to optimize a modest start than to begin with a perfect start. Starting is the hard part, so start small and get in the mix. You'll learn a lot and you'll realize you don't need to have it all figured out to begin."

You owe it to yourself to start now and ditch the traditional New Year's resolution cycle.

Why seize success now?

  • Every Day Counts! The competition isn’t waiting for the new year - and you can’t afford to wait. Start now to accelerate your progress even before the new year arrives.

  • Beat the “Procrastination Vortex”: Organizational psychologist Adam Grant describes the “procrastination vortex” as a cycle where we put off tasks, leading to anxiety and guilt - and procrastination. Take action now and let the sense of purpose drive you.

  • The Holiday Hustle = Opportunties!: The holidays are filled with distractions. Turn the social obligations of this busy time into opportunities. Casual conversation can be filled with valuable  ideas and helpful feedback. Maybe you’ll find a customer? And you never know who can connect you to some of the pieces you’ve been searching for.

  • The New Car Effect: As soon as you get a new car, that same car suddenly seems to be everywhere. It’s because your brain is tuned to it. Carving out time to focus on your business each day can tune your brain to more relevant patterns, business models, ideas, and opportunities sooner. 

  • Experience Momentum and Motivation: Observing your progress fuels your determination to keep going. This momentum can carry you through challenges and setbacks.

  • Sustainable Habits Develop: It takes time and repetition to solidify new habits. Starting now gives you ample opportunity to integrate your desired behaviors into your routine, making them less likely to fade away.

  • No Need for Arbitrary Dates: So, why wait for a specific date like January 1st? Taking charge of your goals now demonstrates initiative and empowers you to create your own timeframe for success. 

  • Joy in the Journey: Entrepreneurship is an exhilarating journey! Begin enjoying the journey now. You’ll be able to savor the process, learn from challenges, and celebrate wins along the way!

Here are some actionable tips to help you get started:

  • Break down your goals into manageable steps.

  • Just as importantly, take one of those steps!

  • Set realistic expectations and celebrate small wins.

  • Identify and address potential obstacles.

  • Build a support system for accountability and encouragement.

  • Focus on progress, not perfection.

  • Reward yourself for reaching milestones.

The new year may bring a fresh start, but it shouldn't be the only time you allow yourself to pursue change and growth. Taking action now is the most powerful decision you can make for the success of your business plan. So, whether you’re a startup or growing an existing business, ditch the outdated traditions and embrace your journey today! Remember, you have the potential to achieve anything you set your mind to, and the time to start is now.


The Grove Venture Lab is a nonprofit that provides small businesses and nonprofits with the tools, education and support network they need to grow sustainably and achieve greater success. We leverage the expertise already in our region to support entrepreneurs  - for profit and not - in the Glens Falls / Lake George region.

We’d love to work with you as you turn your vision into reality.  Email us today!


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